Friday, April 28, 2017

Eurovision 2017: Macedonia

The first few songs in the second semifinal this year have been made up of songs that really haven't made an impact.

Macedonia's song is another one of those forgettable songs.

Jana Burčeska   "Dance Alone"

However, unlike the previous two songs, Macedonia's song actually has a chance to make an impact on stage.  "Dance Alone" begs for flashy lights and sexy dancers.

If the team behind the Macedonian entry can come up with a visually interesting staging and Burčeska can stomp the stage properly, there is a chance that this could make it to the finals.

However, qualification isn't guaranteed.  Macedonia doesn't have many friendly votes from other countries and this has to overcome the apathy from other countries to make the final.  Everything has to be perfect in the semifinal for Macedonia to qualify, and I look forward to seeing how the chips fall with this song.

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