Monday, February 27, 2012

Why Did You Send This?: Netherlands 1975

I may be offending a lot of people, but I have to ask why the Netherlands sent this song in 1975.

Teach-In  "Ding-a-Dong"

Ding-a-Dong is the song won the contest in 1975 and it is the most incidiously infectious and poppy numbers to come out of the contest.  I'll even confess that it is probably my favorite winner ever, but I still wish they hadn't sent the song in English.  Take a listen to the Dutch version of the song.

Teach-In  "Ding-a-Dong"  (Dutch version)

In Dutch, the lyrics are a little bit less insipid sounding even if they may translate to the exact same thing in the English version.

It may be my bias, but I enjoy songs that are performed in one of the country's actual languages instead of English, but because pop music equals English in much of the world, Eurovision songs are mostly performed in English.

And with Teach-In, I can live with the English version.  Yet I still wish they had performed the song in Dutch in the actual contest.

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