Saturday, September 22, 2012

Alaska's Choice: London 1963

Now that the summer has started to end, the birch leaves are falling off the trees, and schedules have finally gotten back to normal, it's time to get back to my Eurovision blog with Alaska's Choice for 1963.

The 1963 Eurovision song contest took place on March 23, 1963, but breaking with tradition, France did not broadcast the contest, citing financial difficulties.   The slack was picked up by the country of the second place finisher, and the BBC picked up the slack for the second time, putting on one of the more memorable Eurovision Song Contests.

Instead of following the normal format of broadcasting a live concert, the director of the contest, Yvonne Littlewood, decided to use the state of art facilities to broadcast a contest that looked completely different than ever before.  Using boom microphones, a separate studio for the performers and audience, and a variety of staging effects to enhance the songs, the Eurovision Song Contest in 1963 became less a concert and more of a variety show.

A good example of this song is the winner of the 1963 contest.

Grethe and Jørgen Ingmann  "Dansevise"  Denmark
This song, had it been shot in a concert setting would have been lost, but the camera work brought an intimacy to the song that took it to the top of the heap that year. 
But it only came in fourth in our voting, with our top points going to this entry.
Esther Ofarim  "T'en vas pas"  Switzerland
And many Eurovision purists might agree with our choice, since there was controversy with the Danish win.  During the voting portion of the contest, the Norwegian spokesperson gave out strange votes with Switzerland receiving a number of votes.  After a bit of confusion, The Norwegians asked to be returned to after the rest of votes were given.  When the Norwegians did return, the voting was cleared up, and Switzerland received no points, handing the Danes the win.
Do I think this is the case.  No.  Do I prefer the Swiss song?  Yes.
But I do feel sorry for the Dutch entrant.

 Annie Palmen  "Een speeldoos"  the Netherlands
Annie Palmen tied for last in the contest, getting no votes from the jury, receiving the dreaded "nul points".  Sadly, she didn't fare much better from the Alaska voters, coming in dead last here too. 
I could write more, but some I've already written about--like the Austrian song that came in second in our poll, or about  two other singers who will be featured in later posts.
So that's Alaska's Winner for 1963., stay tuned for our choice for 1964.

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